Ships and Castles Survey

Recently, Cornwall Council launched a consultation on the future of some of the leisure centres in Cornwall, including Ships and Castles in Falmouth.

Cornwall Council do not run leisure services in Cornwall. They haven’t since 2014. Currently, GLL deliver leisure services in Cornwall. It is them who are claiming that Ships and Castles does not make any profit and it is them who have approached Cornwall Council to say plug the gaps, or we will have to close. As a result of this, Cornwall Council have launched their consultation.

My survey is completely independent of Cornwall Council’s consultation, so please do complete both of them. The Cornwall Council consultation can be found here:

What I hope to achieve from my survey is to get a sense of local feeling towards Ships and Castles so that I can then make representations to Cornwall Council as part of the consultation. This survey will guide my response.

I will always do whatever I can to help and to do that I felt a survey on the issue would be the best course of action in the first instance following Cornwall Council’s announcement.

Therefore please complete my survey and share it far and wide. The more responses the better. If anyone requires a paper copy of the survey then my office would be more than happy to provide one.

My survey will close at 17:00 on Friday 22nd October.

Many thanks,



Falmouth survey

  • Current Ships and Castles Survey
  • How am I doing?
  • Your details
1.1. Do you want Ships and Castles to stay open?
1.2. Do you feel there is a continued need for a similar type of leisure facility in the Falmouth and Penryn area?
1.3. How important to do you feel Ships and Castles is to the leisure provision/offering in Falmouth and the surrounding area?
Least important
Most important
1.4. How important is Ships and Castles to the community in Falmouth and Penryn?
Least important
Most important
1.5. How often do you visit Ships and Castles?
1.6. How often do you use the swimming pool at Ships and Castles?
1.7. How often do you use the health and fitness suite at Ships and Castles?
1.8. Do you feel there are adequate alternatives to Ships and Castles in Falmouth and the surrounding area?
1.9. Would you feel comfortable travelling to Helston or Carn Brea to use their leisure facilities if Ships and Castles were to close?
1.10. Would you agree that, during the summer months, Ships and Castles predominantly serves tourist demand, rather than residents needs?
1.11. Do you feel the swimming pool in Ships and Castles is vital to local children and older residents learning how to swim?
1.12. Would you support the redevelopment of the Ships and Castles site to help the delivery of other council priorities?